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First: A Centering Word
What to do: read the words from a lecture by John Koessler at the C. W. Lewis Institute three or four times. Pause and breath between each reading. Pay attention to what draws your attention. What are you seeing? What are you believing? What are you doubting?
Next: Read Matthew 11:28-30
What to do: Read the scripture words three or four times. Read slowly. Pause between reading. Pay attention to what is stirring inside of you. What are you seeing? What are you believing? What are you doubting? What are you feeling? What questions are being raised?
Next: Be Still
What to do: Before returning to your full day, sit in stillness for a few moments. Your soul and imagination were possibly drawn to a word by from the C. S. Lewis Institute or by Jesus, the giver of rest. Perhaps you were drawn to a moment in your life where you regret being so busy and overburdened. Maybe you were drawn to a situation that seemed too hard for you. Wherever you were drawn, be there for a few moments. Pay attention to the stirrings deep within, the questions that are forming, the words that want to be spoken. Give your soul the gift of a few moments of stillness to let memories, questions, words, and prayers form.
Before returning to your day, let what is stirring inside become a conversation with God. The conversation, whatever its mood, is a form of prayer and communication with God who has been waiting for this moment all day.
Finally, take your spirit of rest with you into your world today.
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If you're ready to become the kind of guide who can help others cultivate a deeper relationship with God, I invite you to explore our upcoming spiritual direction training program. Reach out with questions or requests for more information. Together, we’ll learn how to navigate the interior castles to communion with God. Learning how this journey takes place, we’ll be better prepared to help others make the same journey.
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