The objective of the Trailhead podcast is to inspire and aid your spiritual growth. Both free and paid subscriptions make it possible for us to maintain a substantive conversation concerning the pathway from superficial spirituality to a deeper life with Jesus.
Laboratory Background: “Shh! Quiet Prayer” Post in the Compass Newsletter
Here is the link to the article. It includes extra information and is 1,577 words in length, taking you about 8 minutes if you choose to read the post.
Centering Words: Matthew 6:6 & Matthew 14:22-23
“…When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father…”
“…Jesus dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone…”
The Spiritual Formation Lab: Visio Divina
Visio Divina is a variation of the old, ancient Christian practice of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina are fancy Latin words that simply mean “sacred reading.” Lectio Divina was a method of reading scripture in the early church. Its intent was to help you get more from scripture whenever you read it. The practice of Lectio Divina had four steps:
Read some words of scripture. Usually a short section of scripture is better when using Lectio Divina—maybe only a few verses, or just one paragraph, or just one story. Because it is a smaller segment of verses, you can probably read it several times.
Meditate on a word, phrase, or word picture to which you are drawn. As you read, expect the Holy Spirit to draw your attention to a smaller word, phrase, or image within the verses you are reading. Think of this moment as having suddenly discovered treasure. Because what has been revealed seems to have extra significance, you quit reading the surrounding words and focus on the treasure you have found. Peer at it. Turn the words over. Wonder about it. Be curious.
Pray. As you meditate, almost seamlessly a conversation will emerge between you and God, the one who gave you this word. This conversation is prayer. You might ask some questions, such as, “God, what do you know about me, that in your great love for me, you decided to show me this?” Or, “God, what do you know that is just around the corner that in your great love for me, you wanted me to see this?”
Contemplation. For a few moments, be still. If you pause for a few potent moments of stillness, what you’ve discovered will become embedded into your depths. It will become portable, allowing you to take the gift you have received with you. If you fail to sit in stillness for a few moments when the first three steps have been completed, the impact of what you have received will be stunted.
The Practice of Visio Divina:
Once you understand the steps of Lectio Divina, you can apply and use them almost anywhere. While there is no substitute for reading scripture in a slow, meditative manner, Visio Divina is one of the good ways to take the steps of Lectio Divina and apply them to what you are seeing right in front of you. The words, “Visio Divina” means “sacred seeing.” The goal is to open your physical eyes and notice what is right in front of you for the purpose of helping the eyes of your heart to open and see the invisible God who is waiting to be discovered. Just like Lectio Divina, there are a few steps to Visio Divina:
Step 1: Gaze at a piece of art, a photo, a scene in front of you. For the purpose of this lab, I have place a photo below which will be the object of our gazing.
Step 2: Gaze at the entire picture. Notice the shapes, the colors, and the lighting. Notice the detail of both the foreground and background. Once you have visually canvased the artwork, note what has drawn your attention. Just like in Lectio Divina, it is God that is luring you to a treasure meant just for you.
Step 3: Meditate on the part of the picture that has drawn your attention. How is God speaking to you? Why do you think God drew your attention to this particular part? Is a message conveyed that pertains to your life today? Do you sense an invitation? Do you hear a call? Is a memory aroused? Allow these thoughts to descend to your heart. What emotion is evoked? What word describes your inner stirring as you embrace this feeling? Allow God’s communication to touch you deep within where the Spirit dwells.
Step 4: God has been speaking to you as you meditated on this artwork. It’s now time for you to respond to God. What is your response? What is your prayer? Articulate any yearnings or desires that arise. Give voice to the emotion that is whirling within.
Step 5: Turn to silence to simply rest in communion with your Creator, the One who loves you beyond measure. Savor the stillness. Be soothed by Love.
Let’s Do This!
For this spiritual formation lab, all you need are your eyes, some curiosity, and about 10-15 minutes. Here is the image. As you gaze at this photo, follow the five steps listed above.
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